The Fondazione Ordine Mauriziano (Mauritian Order Foundation) deals with the conservation and management of cultural assets belonging to the Mauritian Cultural Heritage, which includes the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, the Preceptory of S. Antonio di Ranverso, the Abbey of Santa Maria di Staffarda and the Historical Archive.
In addition to this immense cultural heritage, the Mauritian Basilica of Turin, many other monuments and places of worship, and the intangible components of memory preservation.
The history of the Foundation
Established with law decree no. 277/2004 (converted into law no. 4/2005), the Mauritian Order Foundation is heir to, as well as responsible for, the conservation of cultural assets belonging to the heritage of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus.
The Order, born in 1572 at the behest of Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy, is the result of the merger of the Chivalric and Religious Order of San Maurizio (Ripaille – Chablais, 1434) and the Order for the Assistance of Lepers of San Lazzaro (Jerusalem, 1090), so that the “knightly militia” would turn to “compassionate offices towards the sick.”
Its primary purpose was initially to provide medical assistance to needy people and encourage the spread of the Christian faith. It then changed over the centuries until reaching its current shape.
Today, the Fondazione Ordine Mauriziano (Mauritian Order Foundation) is responsible for implementing the Order’s purposes concerning the conservation and enhancement of the Mauritian Cultural Heritage.
Parallel to the unfolding of our history, the Historical Archive of the Order is also born and grows, the second in importance after the Turin State Archive.